High Five Hope is an organization that EIYBF President and Founder Patricia Bermudez-Hizon is involved in. We've been helping gather donations for their I Give Hope project with Olympic Village where sports apparel, equipment and others are collected in bins found in all their stores nationwide. These materials will be used to help streetkids stay out of trouble, crimes, drugs, prostitution, etc. Idle hands are the devils playthings. So we'd like to help keep these kids active.

For more details, please visit www.highfivehope.org/igivehope

Those who have donations to give, please send us an email or call 502-1972.
Pick up can be arranged.

1 comment:

  1. Hi EIYBF! :D

    I'm interested in celebrating my birthday in a special way. :) I cxan't seem to find your email, so please let me know how I can make this possible. :D

    Email me at vlianer_lugtu@yahoo.com

    God bless you. :)
