Everyday Is Your Birthday Foundation: EVERY DAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY

Everyday Is Your Birthday Foundation: EVERY DAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY


We live to serve.

We just want to use whatever resources and talents given to us to uplift the spirits and make life even just a bit easier to those who have little.

Let us help you celebrate your birthday in a more meaningful way.

The first step is to find it in your heart. Everything else becomes easy after that.

You usually spend a lot of money to make your birthday special and memorable. That's understandable. But what if you use that money to make your birthday life altering? Wouldn't that be better? That's better than any dress or gift you can buy yourself.

Please contact us and let's work together.

We have orphanages, homes for the sick, the elderly, shelters for the abused and neglected.

Let's spread the love together.

Dalai Lama said, LOVE AND COMPASSION is what this world needs.

This is what we are all about.